Grandmaster Robert E. Beaudoin started his study of the Martial Arts in1960-61 while in the U.S. Air Force studying Chinese at Yale University. He earned his Black Belt under Master Jae Chul Shin while in Korea in 1962-63.
Dr.Beaudoin has taught thousands of students in the Waterbury area for more than thirty-five years and has promoted over three hundred Black Belts and ten Masters. His students have been from all professions and walks of life, and from four to seventy years old.
Grandmaster Beaudoin teaches many of his own classes including Tiny Tigers, Little Dragons, Advanced Children and Cho Dan Bos, as well as the Black Belt Excellence class. He also conducts the Masters Forum and special clinics...
On July 17th 2010, following a proclamation signed by over 100,000 members of the World Tang Soo Do Association, and after 28 years as head of our association, Grandmaster Shin accepted the honour of ninth Dan at a special ceremony held at the World Championships in Greensboro North Carolina. Making way for Master Beaudoin to be promoted to 8th Dan Grandmaster.
Following Grandmaster Shin’s passing Grandmaster Beaudoin has now been recognized as the head of the World Tang Soo Do Association, to lead the association and fulfil Grandmaster Shin’s dream of our own headquarters.